Thursday 20 September 2012

Releasing New Age Ascension Myths

I am now no longer influenced by any of the new age myths or channellings that regularly circulate on the internet, despite having been deeply immersed in channellings for the past two decades at least.  Like many other people, I had my favourite channellers and even found some benefit and relief, however temporary, in some of the teachings and beliefs that I encountered over the years.  Don't get me wrong, i am not suggesting that these well-meaning and good people are deliberately intending to deceive or circulate disinformation, and I have even grown to love many of the channellers that had become favourites of mine and still do.  

I am only interested in the truth and in ascending in this lifetime, preferably with my physical body, when ascension time comes.  Now that I know what I know I am deliberately disconnecting myself from the disinformation, which is coming from the Light of the Darkness.  The true Light (Source energy) does not channel and is not located in time and space here.  It never created the Dark, doesn't understand it and can never become contaminated by it otherwise it would not be the Light.  

Eons ago the alien presence here on Earth altered our DNA.  They have been controlling humanity ever since, which is why we are forced into one reincarnation after another here on Earth.  Why?  They live off of our emotional energy and our spirit, our Light.  Because they have no light or spirit of their own. They are from another creation and should not have invaded our reality in this universe of Light, nor be here interfering with our free will.  All the wars here on this planet are also alien influenced, as above so below.  Some aliens are on the earth, usually underground, and some operate from other parallel timelines and send mind control transmissions via satellite.  It can be a shock to realise that we have all been mind controlled, but there are solutions.  So stayed tuned (if you have not run out of here already).

The aliens control anything to do with the mind energy or with time.  The true Light (Source energy that made our spirit) operates outside of time, from one now moment to the next, which is why no predictions are ever coming from the Light.  All predictions are coming from the alien controlled timelines.  A good way of getting out of mind energy is to drop your consciousness from your head to your heart centre.  You can imagine an elevator going down and count from 10 to 1, thus commanding the energies, and you will feel after doing this a few times that you are operating from a different centre, with a more neutral feeling state and a more timeless existence, not having a negative or positive thought.  Say it out loud and don't merely think this simple exercise or you will be operated from the mind energy, which is connected to the alien mind control.

When you come across information that seems to go against all previous belief systems you had in the past, it is usually run through the mind first, and because of alien mass mind control our energetic implants will tend to dismiss it.  Which is why it is so important to live from the heart centre because then you are connected with your own source energy, your own divine light, which will never deceive you like the mind does.  We are only meant to be living on one timeline here and having one incarnation on the Earth before incarnating elsewhere in the cosmos which is vast.  The aliens created multiple timelines, or parallel lifetimes which is the same thing, and we are all regularly abducted on to them whether we are consciously aware of it or not.  When we dream at night we are experiencing a parallel lifetime.  We are not meant to be interpreting our dreams but trying to get off of these timelines, because parts of our spirit is spread across these timelines and we need all of our spirit here fully embodied in order to ascend.

Because the aliens control time, what to us may seem like a few seconds of not being fully conscious here (like when we go out of our body when we do drugs or meditate, or allow our consciousness to go out there in the zone, not being fully present) can be stretched in time by them to a few weeks or months even.  So to us only a few seconds may have elapsed and we have no recall of where we have just been, or that we went anywhere else at all.  Because their technology is so much more advanced than ours it is hard to conceive how this can be done, or how they can replace us with a cloned body which looks like us, whether here on earth or on one of the timelines.  Anyway, I'll not get too deeply into that right now, I just wanted to give a brief overview.

Every 2000 years approximately the Light (Source energy) does the ascension process to clear the Darkness out of the Light.  It is like the flipping of a switch and the universe of Light goes out for a while.  The Darkness therefore has no Light to feed on any more and we are hopefully fully Light embodied to do the ascension process, as we are made from the Light, from Source energy.  We cannot ascend with our bodies while there is any darkness within us.  Duality is something the aliens created, and the myth is perpetuated that Source energy is composed of both the Dark and the Light.  The negative aliens dumbed us down when they rearranged our DNA thousands of years ago.  And we have been reincarnating ever since on this same planet because we have also been carrying the density/darkness (judgements) of our ancestors, which we are not supposed to be carrying.  Prior to the ascension time we need to have our DNA cleared out of this so we can ascend, and 2000 years ago when the last opportunity for ascension was available Jesus' role was to clear out our densities/DNA so we can do the ascension.  Not many ascended back then, which is why we have the current overpopulation problem on the planet.  The life of Jesus was also cut short, he was not meant to die as young as he did.
The Galactic Federation was supposed to be overseeing the ascension process and protecting him while he was on Earth, but they either got corrupted and sold out to the Dark side or for some reason were not able to hold spiritual integrity, so Jesus' role was cut short and the Earth spirit decided not to do the ascension back then because too many people of the Earth would have been lost.  The Earth spirit is definitely going to do the ascension process this time around and will be energising a planetary blueprint in the 8th dimension.  All planetary blueprints need a planetary spirit to embody it.

The aliens have never really gone away or stopped interfering with life on Earth.  Humanity hasn't helped matters either by continuing to connect with energies outside of themselves.  Source energy never intervenes so there is never any divine intervention because we were given our own Source energy/divine light within ourselves.  Source energy only gets involved at the ascension process when it comes around each time, to find anything of Light.

But the odds were stacked against us because of what the negative and dark aliens did and continue to do, and humanity aids these negative aliens by either praying to something outside of themselves or by holding rituals and ceremonies or mass group meditations.  What they think they are connecting to is not what they are actually connecting to.  The aliens then feed off of this energy, and there is an alien race connected with every religion on earth.  None of the light beings who came to earth to prepare humanity for each ascension process came to start a religion.  This is how the masses have been manipulated for eons of time, being preyed on for their energy, their spirit, their money and for total control.  So whenever anyone is doing ritual, magic, prayer, ceremony, mass meditations etc they are connecting to something alien and of the dark side, whether or not they know it.  Sure the Dark can manifest, answer prayers, and can even heal, so there may well be results.  Just because something sounds positive or feels positive doesn't mean it is good for you in the long run.  Positive is just the other side of duality, which is best being out of altogether.  You don't have to see these aliens for them to be using your energies.

So, many are using their free will to connect (whether knowingly or not) with more Dark alien energies, and bringing more of them here to this planet.  As the Light doesn't judge it will never intervene with humanity's free choice what they connect to.  Because this current ascension cycle is much more difficult than 2000 years ago as a lot more density has accumulated, plus the original ascension teaching corrupted over time, Source energy is having to go back through the timeline historically, to clear out much of the darkness, the pools of energy and their alien race connections from religion and worship and ritual, so that the Earth spirit can do the ascension process. It does this whilst outside of time itself.

The Earth spirit is taking priority over humanity right now as the Earth spirit nearly died a few years ago.  Once the Earth spirit has become whole again and healed it then will be able to benefit the planet and us also, and there is nothing we can do to help the Earth spirit in this.  The best thing we can do is to clear out the densities in our own DNA and to stop connecting with energies outside of us via prayer, meditation and alien channellings.  Every time anyone sends energies into the earth (or to someone else) it is like a psychic attack.  Unless we are totally cleared out of all darkness/duality, which is unlikely, we are sending all of our emotional baggage when we send energy to anyone or anything.  Sure the Dark can heal, but what is the price and the longterm effects of connecting up with it?

The planets and birth chart are also a way the aliens control us.  Which is why I don't post anything relating to astrology or time/predictions any more.  I have left on all of my previous blog posts, whether it be about astrology or channellings, as otherwise I would have obliterated about 95 per cent or more of my blog.  As this is primarily my own ascension journey I have left on everything I have been involved with in the past, but have disconnected from much of it now.  I occasionally post results of some of the clearings or healings i have taken in preparation for ascension on blog posts that have 'healing journal' in the title.  But this will be only a small fraction of what clearings I have done.

My life is definitely more peaceful these days and emotionally more neutral (no more triggers) now that I have done my emotional clearing and cleared the judgements/density from my DNA for this lifetime and going back seven generations.  Whatever is in our DNA gets recycled and can get activated in any lifetime.
So you see, you didn't create everything that happened to you by yourself alone using mind energy.  This is a new age teaching that is not correct, it is your ancestors thoughts that have accumulated in your DNA that is influencing a lot.  The aliens do mind transmissions to influence thought, and need you to have traumas and emotional experiences as they need your energy and spirit.  They need us, we don't need them.

There is also no such thing as a Higher Self that people talk about.  You have a Spirit and your Spirit was created from Light, and there is no hierarchy in the Light.  Therefore there is nothing outside of you that is more powerful.  Anything that suggests otherwise is just the dark side teachings.  In true Light there is only one Light energy, not a lower light or a higher light.    The aliens have even managed to clone the light to bring forth disinformation as they don't want you to ascend.  This Light of the Darkness info may sound all good and positive and even have some elements of truth in it (remember, they can't be too obvious about it), but it will be skewed enough to send you off on a parallel lifetime when ascension time comes and you won't be prepared.  Those who have been here for many lifetimes already, and I also include myself in this as I had lifetimes in Atlantis, have missed the last ascension opportunity, and probably many ascension opportunities in the past.  What you want is to get out of here or your Spirit may not be found in 2000 years time.  Considering how dark this planet has become from what it was originally, I really don't want to stick around for another 2000 years.  So I have been preparing for ascension 24/7 as there is no knowing what day it will arrive, could be next year, in five years or it could be tomorrow, as the Light only works in the Now.   I am also disconnecting myself from anything to do with time, especially anything 2012 related.
The negative aliens do have plans for this date, and at the last opportunity for ascension 2000 years ago we went sideways into an alien controlled parallel reality, where the Lightship/Source energy cannot find us, and so had no idea when we came back that we could have freed ourselves and gone elsewhere.  Those few who knew had left.

I know that many who read this will interpret it all as too negative, but until one becomes aware of what is really going on then there is no going for the solutions and the clearings in preparation for ascension.  And many people are even welcoming alien races here, not having a clue what their agenda is first, nor aware of the fact that the aliens shouldn't even be here in the first place messing with our planet of light, which has now become dark and full of density.  I could easily post many entertaining or inspiring channels from aliens or entities every day, but that won't really help the ascension process.  99 per cent of stuff I read on the internet about ascension is dark side alien disinformation, sad but true, from well meaning people who are just being used by them, their ground crew.  And our governments are no less mind controlled than the masses are, so no point in looking for saviours there either.  Most governments are completely terrified of the aliens (their technology also is not advanced enough to ward off more than about 5 per cent of them) so this is why they are probably not disclosing anything to the public about E.Ts.

At the moment I am going through a 28 hour healing intensive over a three week period and may post more about that when I am at the end of it.  The reason it is hard for anyone to be fully embodied with their Spirit/Source energy is because we have other alien energies taking up space within us.  Just because we can't see them doesn't mean they are not there, just like our technology from the past couldn't see bacteria until the microscope was invented.  Yes it all sounds very sci-fi, I know.  But I have actually had experiences with some of these alien energies and parasites a few years ago before I knew what they were, and that was as a result of just doing a self-guided meditation!  At least I know now what all that was about, and why I was being energetically attacked and my life force energy drained from me, and am in the process of clearing them from my body.  So it is easy to assume you are doing light work, like meditation etc and actually be inviting in negative alien energies.  I actually saw it one night and it looked like an octopus, having tentacles.  That particular alien parasite lived off of my energies for years and none of the tools I knew about at the time, including psychic protection, could get rid of it. So I know from personal experience that these energies exist.

Before closing, and I could go on and on, I just wanted to mention a couple of other things that in new age or spiritual circles people interpret as being positive or good.  
This whole thing about seeing consecutive numbers like 11:11, or 12:12 etc I was told in the past, by people who had written books or websites so it must be right as it is in print yes? ;-) that this meant some kind of 'cosmic wink', like a message from the universe to say you were on the right track, or something like that.   Actually what it really means is the aliens way of keeping track of you, to check out your implants and to see whether you recognise the numbers, that you are hooked up and in tune with their mind control transmissions.  They do it all through numbers and letters.  

The other thing that people are fascinated with is orbs, like you see show up in photos.  Well these too are apparently alien parasites.  I actually saw a real orb, as in not just showing up in a photo, after I'd had a reiki session done on me.  This orb was travelling towards me and definitely had a consciousness because it was surprised I could see it, and darted behind some bushes until I went away.  Alien parasites, as well as a whole host of other unwanted entities and stuff, can be transferred from one person to another through touch, and from one healer or practitioner to a client.   This is why I would no longer go to a therapist for anything.  I'm not blaming the orb experience on to my reiki practitioner, as I was in a more altered state after that session which is why I managed to see one for real.  I was merely fascinated at the time, didn't know what to make of it or what it was there for and so moved on.  I've since learned that they can attach themselves to us just like other alien parasites can, or live inside of us.

A few weeks ago I did healing on myself and cleared a problem that had been bothering me for about two years by talking out loud to my own body and inner spirit about what I needed to heal.  You do need to ask, or command the energies, and get out of the mind while doing so.  The Light (and you have your inner Light) sees you as perfect and doesn't intervene or heal unless you tell it what you want.  I then never gave it another moments thought and got out of the way.  So no need to go to an outside practitioner who is maybe using mind energy or symbols or chants or ritual or information they learned from a book (which is mind energy) to get healed.  The healings and clearings I am doing right now in preparation for ascension are with Source energy, and the opportunity for that comes around only every 2000 years.  Source energy/Lightship has been available for this since 2005, and I really wish I'd known about it back then because I am now getting my health and energy back after many years of chronic fatigue.

So any ascension symptoms are your body telling you what needs to be healed from before you can ascend, and they could well be your ancestors ailments.  There are also alien parasites that feed off your life force energy as well as your emotions, and time encoded barcodes (energetic implants in our DNA) that are connected with our birth charts that need to be cleared.  Each time you hit a barcode you are losing some of your life force energy.  By the time it hits the first barcode you are probably down to 20 per cent to a third, and the next one happens to come along after that which could be within maybe a year to ten years, and then the third one hits and by that time you are so incapacitated or tired of life or in so much pain that you choose to leave here.  
Now, you can override the barcode, but you are losing your energy each time.    
When you clear the barcodes off of you, you normally regain much more of your energy back again.  I have written about the Death Barcode clearing in My Healing Journal No.1.
What we mainly end of dying of though is our judgements.
This is duality energy (whether negative or positive judgements), and the peaceful neutral heart centre energy is what we need to be aiming for.

I'm also in the process of putting up more links to various radio show archives that contain useful info for newbies, found in the right hand side of this blog under 'Creation Lightship Healings'.  Until you familiarise yourself with at least half a dozen or so shows it will probably all seem too far out there, because most info out there is disinformation and mind control from the dark side alien agenda (posing as the Light, or what we call the Light of the Darkness).  

It doesn't really matter to me what anybody else believes so I'm not trying to change anyones cherished beliefs about reality or ascension.  I'm just putting it out there in case it helps anyone else, and my only regret (if I have any, being more neutral these days) is that I didn't find the info I now have a lot sooner.  But better now than miss out altogether by following myths that don't serve me or my ascension process.

So I've summarised below, in the spirit of play, what I don't believe in any more :
(I'm sure there is more but I'll keep it simple)

1. Law of Attraction (creating reality using the mind)
2. Positive aliens  (they could help here with pollution, wars etc but don't, we don't need more mental advice, interference or technology)
3. We create all of our own reality  (we are all mind controlled in the matrix, our free will interfered with by negative aliens who live off our emotional energy, both positive and negative, and recycle/trigger whatever trauma or issue/density is stored in our DNA passed down from our ancestors, which we shouldn't be carrying)
4.  Mass consciousness  (an alien construct that they like to connect us to energetically, easier to control us if we are 'all one')
5. Bringing in more Light  to either the Earth, or through the crown chakra etc (we have it inside, we only connect to the alien false light if we go outside of ourselves for more light)
6.  Books on ascension (mind energy, or info appealing to the mind, which is influenced by the dark alien agenda)
7. Healers and body practitioners  (transfers more gunk and baggage than they take away).  No offence meant to healers or therapists, I used to be one myself ages ago.
8.  Predictions  (not coming from the Light as it is time based.  Light works outside of time in the Now.  The Dark can read timelines as they control what happens in them)
9.  2012 ascension (not a bus I want to be on. Alien controlled parallel universe - been there, done that, thanks.)
10.  God  (Source energy created us from Light only, all gods are alien races connected to the various religions, and feed off the energy of the worshippers, connecting them to darkness.  Source energy doesn't need worship, we already have Source energy within.)
11. Soul contracts, and learning lessons over again requiring reincarnation. (we are on a prison planet, only meant to be here once)
12.  Raising our frequency or vibration (no, we are just embodying more of our spirit/Light, if we can retrieve the bits the aliens stole)
13.  Higher Selves.  (Light is just Light, no higher or lower, no hierarchy in true light)
14.  Positive thinking or focus  (being the other pole of duality, no better than negativity.  All positive and negative thoughts both judgements, one not being better than the other, each being out of balance)
15.  Sending others energy (or the Earth).  If we are centred in the mind energy or  holding any judgements or darkness whatsoever in our DNA,  we are sending them our emotional baggage also, and it is no different from a psychic attack, causing more harm in the long run.
16.  Astrology.  All alien control. Includes celebrating birthdays - why celebrate an alien program put on my spirit at birth (forced reincarnation) that controls what happens in my life including my time of death?  what kind of free will is that?

And for some reason this John Lennon song (video below) popped into my mind while I was listing what I don't believe in any more.  I also don't believe in God (which is different from Source energy/Light), and which has harmed humanity and the planet immensely throughout its history, and brought in more dark side aliens than the Earth spirit could cope with.  So I guess I'm awakening from the dream of the matrix and false ascension advice that continues to be dished out over the internet, and which had been my staple diet until very recently.

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  1. Could you respond to explain what you believe true organic ascension is ? I'm a bit confused with two seemingly contradictory statements in this post. You mention you are interested in physical body ascension (to higher dimension I assume), yet you also mention you think 'ascension' is merely embodying more of our authentic light (maintaining existence in this dimension). And in your list of what you do not believe in anymore is 2012 ascension (a bus you prefer not to take to an alien timeline). So what would you say to me if I want to avoid some alien off-shoot timeline, yet desire to ascend to the 5th Dimension version of organic mother earth gaia ?

    1. Just remain on the back of our ascending mother Gaia and you will go with her. Dont listen to anything anyone else tells you. I have researched ALOT of info and different sites about all of this alien history and found some stuff that really fits and resonates but this is not it. Nowhere on any other site or any other link from any other site have I ever heard any of the stuff this person is talking about.

    2. And they also state that they dont believe in benevolent ET's, I absolutely disagree with this. Your telling me in all of creations infinite never ending universes that all ET's have a dark agenda and do not serve the pure energy and unconditional love of our creator?

    3. brando9000 you say "Nowhere on any other site or any other link from any other site have I ever heard any of the stuff this person is talking about."

      You are correct in saying that most are not sharing about this info on the internet or in books, but if that is your criterion for whether something is true or not then you would still be believing that the earth is flat, which 99.999 per cent of the population believed not so very long ago.

      I too had researched a lot, and for decades. And yes, much of it resonated back then with me also.
      The darkside got their info in early via channellers etc. before ascension time was due. So now nobody wants to give up their cherished beliefs about ascension or what is really happening right now. I agree that it is controversial, maybe even uncomfortable and may push a few buttons. Your mind will rebel because it is under mind control, as has been all of humanity for thousands of years. This is about getting out of the matrix, not worrying about consensus opinion.

      As for positive E.Ts, if they were serving the pure energy and unconditional love of our creator then where are they and why aren't they helping us and our creator get rid of the darkside aliens who have been controlling this planet and humanity for so long?
      There is currently a battle going on, in case you didn't know.
      The darkside aliens do not give up their control that easily, and as of this time there are no benevolent aliens helping out. If they are looking on and not lifting a finger to help earth and humanity or the earth spirit (which nearly died), then that makes them no better than the darkside IMO.

    4. Well from my understanding they follow a so called none interference protcol or a "Prime directive" also free will as Earth is a free will planet not to mention this is the same reason that the creator itself does not step in and help as well is it not? Our free will.

      And I have only seen decades of research but have not been following this that long. I have only started to awaken around a year ago. Plus I do not believe it to be their job to save us if we are not at least willing to save ourselves. Which would require alot more people to awaken.

    5. "If they are looking on and not lifting a finger to help earth and humanity or the earth spirit (which nearly died), then that makes them no better than the darkside IMO."

      If these are your words of truth then does your truth not also suggest that our creator as well is no better then the dark ones as you say? Why does creator not just lift its hand of creation and fix all of this as you suggest benevolent ET's should?

    6. Yes this was created as a free will planet brando9000 but what the negative aliens are doing is going against the free will of humanity. Nobody has asked us if we want mind control, abductions, messing with our DNA, feeding off our spirit lifeforce energy and all the other things they are doing on this planet of so-called free will right now, and have been doing for eons of time.

      Humanity lost their free will a long time ago when they gave their power away to alien forces outside of themselves. An alien mind controlled humanity has little to no free will in actuality. Our ancestors gave that away by following false teachings and praying outside of themselves and thereby connecting with alien energies thinking they are connecting with the Source/Creator - you can't contact Source energy directly, there has to be an appointed conduit/representative on earth, and Source hasn't even been here for the last 2000 years. All that prayer energy has to go somewhere, but it just feeds the darkside. Source/creator has been here only since around 2006 to help prepare the earth and humanity for ascension. And yes it is helping to rid its creations of the darkside but humanity keeps inviting them in.

    7. These aliens you speak of are first off what is called the Annunaki and second is the Archons leading the forces of Draco and Reptillian that took over this planet long ago. This has nothing to do with others that are spoke of such as Andromedans or Pleiadians. And they have been here helping as well. Otherwise this planet would have dove head first into nuclear catastrpohe, WW III and who knows what other natural and manmade disasters. And you still dont answer my question at the end of my last post. And also are you saying, with their being no benevolent ET's at all, that in all of creators creations across vast universes that ALL ET's have turned to the darkside? Because the sheer size of that accusation is just unfathomable.

    8. I wrote a fuller reply but for some reason blogger wouldn't let me post all of it.
      The alien races who are in contact wth the earth right now on this timeline is what I refer to. I 'm sure there must be some positive ones somewhere out there in other universes but am only interested in what is happening here right now with the earth.
      There are too many alien races involved, too many to mention and some we don't even have names for.
      I have to go out now so will reply more fully when I get back.
      Creator IS helping us to free earth from the dark aliens, but humanity keeps inviting them in. And what proof do you have that these other aliens you speak of have saved us from nuclear catastrophe, WWIII etc, apart from what you have been told on the internet? I've read all that stuff too before.
      There are currently no other aliens races battling off the negative aliens on the adjacent timeline to earth and in the underground tunnels, in order to protect the earth from the darkside invasion. I am only interested in those who are helping and they are getting no credit at all right now.
      Back later.


      I have to go out now so will reply when I get back.

    9. I have no proof obviously but what proof do you have of anything you are saying? Exactly. Both sides are completely speculation and what resonates with us.

  2. Thanks for your questions Brian. I don't recall wording it in quite the way you quoted but I'll touch on the points you mentioned. Ascension is not 'merely' embodying more of our authentic light or spirit to stay in this dimension, it is an essential requirement for the ascension process in order to get out of here. To get rid of the densities so that more of our spirit can inhabit us is a requirement in order to ascend - that is if we wish to take our physical body with us too. As most people are only about 20 per cent spirit embodied there is much clearing to do before ascension time.

    The 2012 ascension date is not the true ascension, but the darkside 'ascension' and the alien races do have plans for that date. Like 2000 years ago they will try to stop humanity from their ascension opportunity. The Earth Spirit, which you refer to as organic mother earth gaia, is not going to the 5th dimension. The earth spirit has already left Earth and we have place holders here from the Light to prevent the earth from being totally overrun by the darkness. A planetary blueprint has already been created in the 8th dimension for the earth spirit to embody, and this planet is about two thirds the size of our current earth. The earth spirit isn't coming back here to do another 2000 year cycle, so there will be no 3D earth in which to maintain our existence or to come back to after ascension happens. However, we can only fully integrate our spirit while we are still here, as after ascension happens it will be too late.

    Because Source energy only works in each now moment and is outside of the timelines, anything with a date fixed to it, while true for that timeline, is not how Source energy works and therefore has no connection with the true Light ascension. if you want to go where the earth spirit goes then you will want to go to the 8th dimension. I don't know what to suggest for going to the 5th because I only work with the Light.

    How to avoid some alien off-shoot timelines? Well we are all already on them unfortunately. We got taken sideways at the last ascension opportunity, and all this talk about multidimensionality is just more alien ascension propaganda. We need to retrieve our spirit from all of these timelines so that all of our body/spirit is in one place on one timeline when ascension occurs. I would suggest first forgetting everything you ever learned or read about ascension in the past (I had to) because most of it is false. No book knowledge or channelings will help us ascend.
    There are lots of things we can be doing to prepare ourselves. You may want to read some of my other posts which touch on these subjects such as emotional clearing, timeline crashing, spirit barcode and ascension 2012 barcode removal etc - there is too much to go into here.
    See my blog posts from 19 Aug 2012 onwards.
    Alternatively listen to some of the BBS Radio archives, which are very helpful (I have posted a few links to some of them in the sidebar of this blog).
    There are hundreds of them but it doesn't take long to start connecting some of the dots.
    Below is a link to the 2007 archives.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Author is right. See also Cameron Day's most recent revelation.

  6. The author is right about a couple of things. The Cabal is totally behind the ascension movement though. In the 1970's I heard from some top level Illuminati who wanted to spread the rumor that we are going to ascend in the 5th dimension with our physical body and I thought no one in their right mind would believe it. I was wrong. This belief just keeps people from taking action against the superiors and prevents mob rule. Why do anything? we will ascend anyway and it is working. The masses have been fooled once again.

    1. It needs to be made clear which ascension we are referring to - the one from the Light or the one from the Dark? Both are real. When I speak of the darkside (so called because these off-planet races were not created by the Light) I am not referring to the illuminati or the cabal. What is off-planet may not be something we can see but its influence is very real. We are talking about technology that is about 1000 years in advance of our own, so we will not understand the 'how' of it.

      The darkside can and have 'cloned' the light. We refer to this as the Light of the Darkness. They can copy everything the Light can do, except they don't have a spirit. The picture is much bigger than what we know about on earth. "As above, so below." They need our spirit, and they don't respect spiritual law or free will.

      The darkside ascension is the one everyone goes on about, and is what 2012 was all about, going to the 5th dimension, new earth etc.
      Much of humanity got taken off planet at this time to be replaced with clones of themselves. The ascension of the Light hasn't happened yet.
      The Light doesn't give dates or predictions and is not operating in time or timelines, but only in the Now. Anything written in a book or giving a future date for something to happen is not of the light.

      We have all been fooled. This is a deliberate attempt to keep humanity here on this prison planet, as we have been here for thousands of years already. It is not inevitable we will ascend anyway, there are no guarantees and each individual needs to prepare for it now or it may be too late.

      The Light that created us doesn't know we are here at ascension time unless we make a connection with it via Ron and the lightship.
      Praying doesn't connect us to the light, it just connects us to energies we know nothing about as every religion on earth has an alien race controlling it. Those who pray are darkside practitioners whether they are conscious of it or not, regardless of intentions. Yes, the dark know how to heal because they gave you your problems to begin with.

      Forget about earthly leaders and those who have been taken over or cloned by the darkside. Let's claim our planet back by getting rid of these 'Unwanted Universal Travellers' and help bring this planet back as a planet of light again. All the tools are there on links I've given previously but each individual has to do the work. There is no 'mass consciousness' to rely on.

      So ascension can mean different things to different people depending on whether they are talking of the true ascension or the 'light of the darkness' ascension. The latter involves all the new age myths and channellings.
      I know this is controversial but I stick my neck out every time I post on here as I get zapped each time, which is why my posts became less frequent.
